Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 4 in China - first day at the orphanage!

What a incredibly memorable day. I got to start off the day in a great way with a fun Skype conversation with my kiddos and Paul at home. Gotta love technology!
Today was our first day in the orphanage. From the minute we walked in we have been greeted by the staff and children with such excitement. We started off the day doing games and joining in on choreographed exercises to music with the children outside, which was led by some of the nannies. It was wonderful to see many of the children participating, and even singing along to the songs:)! We then were given a tour of part of the orphanage then divided into groups of 2 or 3 to be assigned to a room. I got to spend time in one of the therapy rooms, then helping to feed lunch in another room. One of the highlights for me during this time was having the opportunity to hold a newer baby girl with cleft lip and palate. I asked about her on our tour, and shared a bit about Noah. I'm not sure if it was for that reason or coincidental, but they brought her to one of the rooms I was in, and let me hold her for awhile. Oh, my heart... I don't know if I will have the opportunity to get pictures of her, but let me tell you- she is absolutely adorable. Another highlight was simply seeing the joy in the smiles we got to see today - there's nothing better. 

We had another wonderful lunch with one of the Directors, then some rest time back at the hotel before heading back to the orphanage in the afternoon to see a performance put on by the children and the care givers. I was so impressed at how all the children did and how much time the nannies must have put in to planning it. ALL the older kids had makeup on and costumes. it was fantastic. Our team also did an impromtu rendition of "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" and " Wheels on the bus" complete with actions and audience participation ;). Then we again helped at feeding time and to play. In the room I as in, I gave a sticker to one of the older girls (who I think is 3). I was so touched that she then motioned me to give a sticker to her two younger friends playing along side us. She even tried to dig in my bag to give our more- LOL. She is very precious with quite the personality! We ended our day at the orphanage with a delicious beef and noodle dinner, again with one of the Directors, and had quite a long and surprising exchange of questions and answers back regarding adoption. It was a good discussion and some of us in the group were able to share some insight from our own personal stories. I'm so looking forward to going back tomorrow morning.

So. Are you ready for some pictures of these beautiful kiddos? 

Goodnight from China! 

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